Source code for hoft.core.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
# HOFT utils.
# @module hoft.core.utils
# @version 0.1
# @copyright (c) 2017-present Francis Horsman.

from collections import namedtuple

PositionalError = namedtuple('PositionalError', (
    'error', 'name', 'index', 'value', 'func_name', 'func')

KeywordError = namedtuple('KeywordError', (
    'error', 'name', 'value', 'default_value', 'func_name', 'func')

NotAnalysedError = namedtuple('NotAnalysedError', (
    'error', 'name', 'argspec', 'callargs')

Signature = namedtuple(
    'Signature', ('args', 'vaargs', 'kwargs', 'keywords')
A Signature representing a parsed argspec for a function:

:param list args: The positional argument names.
:param Union[string|None] vaargs: The positional varargs name (eg after a `*`).
:param dict kwargs: The keyword argument names and associated default values.
:param Union[string|None] keywords: The keyword varkwargs name (eg: after a `**`).

    def func(a, b, c=1, \**d) === Signature(['a', 'b'], None, {'c': 1}, 'd')


Use this to tell hoft to ignore a function argument when analysing it.

NOVALUE = object()
A special value to indicate that no value was passed to the function for a keyword argument.

__all__ = [

[docs]class ArgsNotAnalysedError(Exception): """ One or more arguments were not analysed (when `strict=True`). """
[docs] def __init__(self, names): """ :param List[str] names: Arguments not analysed (in declared order). """ super(ArgsNotAnalysedError, self).__init__( 'ArgsNotAnalysedError: {names}'.format(names=names) ) self.names = names
[docs]class NoDefaultError(Exception): """ No default value is provided for this argument. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, argspec): """ :param str name: Name of the argument :param inspect.ArgSpec argspec: Existing argspec. """ super(NoDefaultError, self).__init__( 'no default value for positional: {k}'.format(k=name)) = name self.argspec = argspec
def get_func_name(func): try: return func.func_name except Exception: # NOQA # Unable to determine target function validator: return None def raise_exc(exc, on_error=None, errors=None, fail_fast=False, force=False): if fail_fast or force: if on_error is not None: if isinstance(on_error, Exception): # Raise the custom exception if required: raise on_error(exc, errors) elif callable(on_error): # Call the user-defined function as required, it is up to it to raise an exception. on_error(exc, errors) else: # Add the errors to the exception and raise it: exc._errors_ = errors raise exc def conditionally_raise_exc(exc, on_error=None, errors=None, fail_fast=False): raise_exc( exc=exc, on_error=on_error, errors=errors, fail_fast=fail_fast, force=False, )